>>> Each has its own constituency and campaigns... Each can count on the collective power of all.

Black Women for Wages for Housework.

English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP) is a grassroots organisation of sex workers and supporters campaigning for the decriminalisation of prostitution, for sex workers’ rights and safety, and for resources to enable people to get out of prostitution if they want to. Our network includes sex workers working on the street and in premises.

International Women Count Network

Queer Strike is a grassroots, multi-racial, lesbian, bi, trans, queer women’s group campaigning for our economic, legal and human rights; for payment for caring work, taking the money away from military budgets (over one trillion a year) for the essentials of life, and so that women everywhere can afford to make the sexual and other choices we want.

Single Mothers Self Defence is a network of single mothers and other women caring for children alone. Campaigning for entitlements to welfare/housing/services & other resources.

US PROStitutes Collective (US PROS) is a multiracial network of women who work or have worked in different areas of the sex industry. Founded in 1982, US PROS campaigns for the decriminalization of prostitution and for justice, protection and resources so that no woman, young person or man is forced into prostitution through poverty or violence.

WinVisible (women with visible & invisible disabilities) is a multi-racial grassroots group. We bring together women with various disabilities: polio, sickle cell anaemia, osteo-arthritis, visually impaired, mental distress, cancer . . . from different backgrounds: asylum seeker, refugee, immigrant and UK-born.

Women of Colour in the Global Womens Strike: A Network of women of colour from Africa, India, Latin America, Europe, US and indigenous lands campaigning for women's unwaged work to be recognized and paid for with a #CareIncomeNow!
Our collective campaigns include:
Ending poverty, welfare cuts, detention, deportation / a care income for all carers of people, the land and the natural world / domestic workers’ rights / pay equity / justice for survivors of rape and domestic violence / challenging racism, disability racism, queer discrimination, transphobia / decriminalising sex work / stopping the state taking children from their mothers / opposing apartheid, war, genocide, military occupation, corporate land grabs / supporting human rights defenders, refuseniks / ending the death penalty and solitary confinement … we are all fighting for climate justice and survival.

Global Women Against Deportations includes the All African Women’s Group, a 100 strong organisation of women asylum seekers and refugees from every continent, along with Legal Action for Women, Women Against Rape (incorporating Black Women's Rape Action Project) and Women of Colour/Global Women’s Strike.

All African Women’s Group is a self-help group of women asylum seekers from all over the world who have fled war, starvation and the climate crisis. Many of them are survivors of rape and most are mothers, some separated from our children. Some of them are lesbian and bi and some have been locked up in detention centres.

Legal Action for Women (LAW), is a grassroots anti-sexist, anti-racist, trans inclusive legal service for all women, based in London, England and San Francisco, USA. LAW provides free advice and support to low-income women who have little or no access to legal advice and who are more likely to be denied justice.

Support not Separation (SNS) are a coalition of organisations and individuals who have experienced or witnessed the damage caused by the forced separation of children from their mother or other primary carer and are determined to change this desperate situation.

The Milk of Human Kindness

Women Against Rape (WAR) is a grassroots multi-racial women’s group founded in 1976. WAR provides rights information, support and advocacy and campaign for justice, protection and compensation for all women and girls who have suffered sexual, domestic and/or racist violence. This includes survivors of any age, race and nationality, asylum seekers, women with disabilities, trans women, sex workers.