For the whole of 2022, the International Wages for Housework Campaign, which co-ordinates the Global Women’s Strike, will celebrate its golden anniversary.
We are holding a series of events and launching our 1972-2022 archives at Bishopsgate Institute, London.
See below for further information about these events and how to register for them below.
>> 8 March 2020: What do Mothers and Carers Want? As part of the Wages for Housework (WFH) 50th anniversary events series, the Global Women’s Strike launched an International Survey – What Do Mothers and other Carers Want? - with speakers from 13 countries. Watch the webinar here.
>> 24 March 2022: Online discussion panel: Selma James, founder of the WFH Campaign, in conversation with Margaret Prescod, co-founder Black Women for Wages for Housework. Watch the webinar here.
>> 25 March 2022: The Global Women's Strike Experience. Panelists who have been with the WFH Campaign for years, while others are newer members, speak about their experiences of organizing as part of an international network with a shared perspective. And how this has changed their lives. Hear the discussion.
>> 27 March 2022: The Archives, Moving Forward by Looking Back. Find out about the event here.
>> 27 March 2022: Moving Forward by Looking Back, Community Archives Exhibit 1972-1981. Online discussion panel. Video of 50th Anniversary Wages for Housework Campaign event and the launch of Wages for Housework Community Archives at Crossroads Women Center, Philadelphia. Watch the event here.
>> 8 July 2022: Archive Films: Our Time Is Coming Now & All Work and No Pay. BBC films made with Selma James in 1970. These iconic films explore the beginnings of the women's liberation movement in Britain. Watch them here below.
>> 22-29 July 2022: Stories from South America. Orphan Mothers, Journey with the Revolution and Enter the Workers. Find out more here.
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