
GWS Thailand, the Community Women Human Rights Defenders Collective in Thailand, is comprised of grassroots women currently representing nineteen different sectors who are defending family, community and the environment.  These sectors include indigenous women, migrant and refugee women, disabled women,  urban women from the slums, rural women farmers and women from the conflict zone in the Deep South. Sex workers, garment workers, and those fighting against destruction of natural resources and the environment. They work to protect life, livelihoods and the natural world. The Collective demands a Care Income, and an end to poverty, inequality and State oppression in all forms.

In November 2023, Lisa and Sara from GWS UK were invited to Thailand by Bee (Pranom Somwong of Protection International) for a two-day gathering of the Community Women Human Rights Defenders Collective which campaigns for a care income. The event was followed by a national tour to meet women organisers in their communities. It was a fantastic learning experience which brought our international Global Women’s Strike network closer together. Read about our findings here.

Recent News from GWS Thailand

Event: London Mining Network on Just Transition

By Global Women's Strike | 28th November 2024

We are speaking at this conference, Saturday 30 November 2.45pm, Bernie Grant Centre, Tottenham N15 4RX. Women are central to a Just Transition,  resisting mining, corporate greed, and the state/military interests that back them.  GWS will talk about what we’ve learned working with women in farming and mining communities in Thailand, and in India.

Thailand letter – Urgent Observation Request: Protection of WHRDs and Children at P-Move Peaceful Assembly

By Global Women's Strike | 21st October 2024

Dear Excellency, I hope this email finds you well. On October 14th, 2024, Protection International and P-Move organized a seminar at the P-Move protest site titled “From Global Forums to the Hearts of the Poor: Thailand’s Role in Human Rights and Justice,” following Thailand’s recent election to the UN Human Rights Council. The seminar aimed…

Webinar : What Mothers and Other Caregivers Want – findings from international survey, May 11

By Global Women's Strike | 7th May 2024

From March 2022 to May 2023, this survey asked 1065 mothers and other caregivers from different generations and in different countries what they want and need.  Assumptions are always being made about this, but in fact caregivers are rarely directly asked about how we spend our time, the resources we have or don’t have, or…

GWS UK visit Thailand, November 2023

By Global Women's Strike | 28th November 2023

In November 2023, Lisa and Sara from GWS UK were invited to Thailand by Bee (Pranom Somwong of Protection International) for a two-day gathering of the Community Women Human Rights Defenders Collective which campaigns for a care income. The event was followed by a national tour to meet women organisers in their communities. It was a fantastic learning…

Remembering Liz Hilton, our dear sister-in-arms

By Global Women's Strike | 3rd August 2023

Today, 3 August 2023, on her birthday, we remember Liz Hilton, our much-loved wonderful friend and sister in struggle. She would have been 61 had she not been unexpectedly taken from us earlier this year. Liz was born in Australia and lived in Thailand for decades, where she found a new movement family with Empower,…

Press statement 29 November 2022 by Community WHRDs Collective in Thailand

By Global Women's Strike | 15th December 2022

On the occasion of International Women Human Rights Defenders Day we, Community WHRDs Collective in Thailand gather to restate and amplify our demands first submitted to three Parliamentary Committees to mark International WHRD Day, 21 November 2019. We re-affirm that the 2017 Constitution is not fit for purpose and must be replaced. It must be…

Women and mothers of South Peasants Federation Thailand have said what a Care Income would mean to them as people who care for the family, the community, and the land:

By Global Women's Strike | 15th December 2022

A Care Income would mean:

Women human rights defenders collective demands constitutional reform

By Global Women's Strike | 12th December 2022

News By Prachatai Submitted on Wed, 7 Dec 2022 – 03:13 PM A network of women human rights defenders has called for a more inclusive constitution and proposed amendments to the constitution which included the protection of women’s rights, decentralization, and state welfare. Representatives of the Collective announcing their demands for constitutional reform On 29…

Press statement: Women Human Rights Defenders collective in Thailand amplify demands to goverment.

By Global Women's Strike | 7th December 2022

On the occasion of International Women Human Rights Defenders Day we, Community WHRDs Collective in Thailand gather to restate and amplify our demands first submitted to three Parliamentary Committees to mark International WHRD Day, 21 November 2019.  We re-affirm that the 2017 Constitution is not fit for purpose and must be replaced. It must be…

Event: An initial dialogue on Care Income

By Global Women's Strike | 28th November 2022

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