
Somos una red Internacional que hacemos campaña por el reconocimiento del trabajo de cuidado remunerado y no remunerado.

Banner: a living wage for caring work, in your home and the home of others.

GWS's point of reference, Leddy Mozombite Linares (third from left), is also the general secretary of the domestic workers' federation FENTTRAHOP and founder of the Sindicato de Trabajadoras Remuneradas y no Remuneradas del Hogar de Lima Metropolitana (SINTRRHAR) for Lima's waged and unwaged workers in the home.

Recent News from Peru GWS

Event: London – 5 April – International Protest – Solidarity with the Peruvian People Down with the dictatorship of #DinaBoluarte

By Global Women's Strike | 31st March 2023

#LONDRES: PROTESTA INTERNACIONAL LONDON INTERNATIONAL PROTEST Solidaridad con el pueblo peruanoSolidarity with the Peruvian People Abajo la dictadura de #DinaAsesinaDown with the dictatorship of #DinaBoluarte 5 Abril 18:00Hrs – April 5th at 18h00Parliament Square LONDON SW1P 3BD 🎤 Micrófono abierto (Open mic) #NiUnMuertoMás#NoAlTerrorismoDeEstado#MásDe70Asesinadxs#DinaAsesinaRenunciaYa#CierreDelCongresoCorrupto#AsambleaConstituyente#NuevaConstituciónPlurinacional#PedroCastilloLibertad Traer pancartas, banners, banderas y whipalas.

Peru: joint statement against the coup

By Global Women's Strike | 23rd January 2023

Joint statement issued on 30 December 2022 by grassroots organizations and trade unions in Peru, including Huelga Mundial de Mujeres/Global Women’s Strike, condemning the coup and the horrendous repression against protestors. The government declared a state of emergency and suspended all rights and guarantees, allowing the police and military to kill with impunity. The resistance…

Statement: International Women’s Day 2021

By Global Women's Strike | 8th March 2021

Global Women’s Strike & Women of Colour GWS – International Women’s Day 2021 CARING for PEOPLE and PLANET Against POVERTY and DICTATORSHIP Women (and men) in a number of countries are calling for a Care Income Now!, an income for all those – beginning with women, the first carers everywhere, and extending to all genders…

Peru domestic workers win historic law

By Global Women's Strike | 11th September 2020

HISTORIC VICTORY IN PERU:Congress approvesDomestic Workers Law On Saturday 5 September, the Peru Congress approved a law guaranteeing the rights of domestic workers. This is the culmination of decades of grassroots organizing, nationally and internationally. For more information contact: Leddy Mozombite Linares Since 2011, when the ILO passed Convention 189 which recognizes domestic workers…

Petition: Domestic workers law: sign TODAY / Ley trabajadoras del hogar: Firmen HOY

By Global Women's Strike | 2nd September 2020

Español / English petition after photo and Spanish links Las #TrabajadorasdelHogar necesitamos de tu ayuda. Firma y comparte esta petición HOY para que el Congreso no demore más el debate y la aprobación de la #LeydeTrabajadorasdelHogar #SeraLey Our sisters in Peru’s Global Women’s Strike and domestic workers union FENTTRAHOP, are asking for signatures urging Congress…

Event: Webinar From Coronavirus and Beyond Valuing Caregiving — the Unwaged Work that Protects People and the Environment.

By Global Women's Strike | 18th March 2020

Date And Time Fri, March 20, 2020 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT Description Invitation to a Webinar From Coronavirus and Beyond Valuing Caregiving — the Unwaged Work that Protects People and the Environment. The workshop we planned for the 64th UN Commission on the Status of Women has even more urgency now as the global pandemic has…

From Lima to London: the Common Struggles of Rape Survivors

By Global Women's Strike | 25th November 2015

Coming together across international borders, we can win our rights — for everyone. And we will. The Morning Star this week hosted a double page spread focused on the work of anti-rape groups based at the Crossroads Centre. In this piece, Lisa Longstaff of Women Against Rape talks to the general secretary of Peruvian domestic…