To the Editor: Re “Why Are We Worrying About Women’s Work?” (Opinion, nytimes.com, March 19): As a former Arby’s employee, I was glad that Elizabeth Bruenig questioned those who promote the importance of “standing behind the counter at Arby’s” over being a stay-at-home mother. Does forcing mothers on welfare to leave infants as young as…
The Global Women’s Strike and Women of Color in the Global Women’s Strike are national partner organizations with the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. We urge you to join us for the Poor People’s Campaign June 20th Digital Gathering. In the context of uprisings across the country against police killings of…
The Global Women’s Strike works with the Haiti Action Committee (HAC) in support of the grassroots movement for democracy in Haiti. HAC is distributing the important message below from Haitian peasant organizations who say: ‘We Stand In Solidarity to Demand an End to Police Terror’. Press Release fromPeasant Organizations in Haiti,Port-au-Prince May 31, 2020 Haiti…
Action Alert Demand Money for Mothers & Other Caregivers in Every Stimulus Bill! Mothers and other unwaged primary caregivers are counted on for everyone’s survival, especially but not only during this pandemic, yet we are never included in relief/stimulus legislation. Instead, we’re disrespected, especially those of us on welfare or other benefits struggling the…
PRESS RELEASE…PRESS RELEASE…PRESS RELEASE…PRESS RELEASE… Mothers & Other Caregivers Demand Fundsin CARES 2 Stimulus Bill Where is the relief package for us? RE: CARES2 Stimulus Legislation From: Every Mother is a Working Mother; Global Women’s Strike; Women of Color in the Global Women’s StrikeContact: Margaret Prescod 323-646-1269, Phoebe Jones 610-505-4944 Date: May 4, 2020 Mothers…
URGENT FUNDRAISING APPEAL!Support the networks of the Global Women’s Strike (GWS), Women of Color in the GWS and Payday men’s network delegation to DC to take part in the final week of the 40 Days of Action launching The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival! The week of June 18-23, multi-racial grassroots…