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Recent News from GWS US

Why we as Caregivers will BUMP TRUMP OUT!

By Global Women's Strike | 2nd November 2020

For US election, to check your ballot status and other voter info: or your state elections website. Election Protection Hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE

Voting is Power, We Make Change from the Bottom Up

By Global Women's Strike | 31st October 2020

For the US election. To check your ballot status and other voter info:  Election Protection hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE

Action Alert! Call on Biden/Harris Campaign to Expand Support for All Caregivers

By Global Women's Strike | 10th October 2020

from Election Action for Caregivers: Take action to ask Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris to strengthen their support for caregivers.  There are over 53 million unpaid family caregivers in the US, plus 11 million stay at home parents. It’s URGENT that the Biden/Harris Campaign recognize this essential work with fully-refundable tax credits.…

For US: Updated urgent action alert for climate justice activist under death threat in Thailand

By Global Women's Strike | 2nd October 2020

Save the life of Mr. LERTSAK KHAMKONGSAK, environmental and human rights activist! Defend the Kahao Yai Pha Dai Community Forest Conservation Group!(in Dong Mafai Sub District, Nongbua Lamphu Province, North East Thailand). Email now (see below) to show how much international support there is for their safety and livelihoods. Mr. Lertsak Khamkongsak continues to face…

Urgent Request! Support effort to get out the vote of millions of unpaid caregivers in the US!

By Global Women's Strike | 30th September 2020

Sign on to Letter asking Biden/Harris Campaign to expand their support to include all caregivers We write to urgently ask your organization to sign onto the attached letter here to Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris asking them to strengthen their support for caregivers.  There are over 53 million unpaid family caregivers in…

Wash Post op ed agrees with the Wages for Housework Campaign!

By Global Women's Strike | 18th July 2020

Please see this Washington Post op ed, Yes. Balancing work and parenting is impossible. Here’s the data, which mentions the Wages for Housework Campaign, links to the Global Women’s Strike and calls for what we have been advocating for decades. A two-parent family chronicled balancing waged work and caregiving work for their children during lockdown and found: “The…

Support Money for Unwaged Caregivers! Endorse the Worker Relief and Credit Reform Act!

By Global Women's Strike | 15th July 2020

The pandemic demonstrates how caregivers serve as frontline and essential workers, filling the gaps in our health care system. Even before this crisis, around 43.5 million Americans worked as unpaid caregivers to their children, aging parents or adult family members with a disability. The WRCR Act updates the definition of work to recognize the uncompensated…

Event: June 20: Poor People’s Campaign Digital Mass Gathering!

By Global Women's Strike | 16th June 2020

The Global Women’s Strike and Women of Color in the Global Women’s Strike are national partner organizations with the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.  We urge you to join us for the Poor People’s Campaign June 20th Digital Gathering.  In the context of uprisings across the country against police killings of…

Statement: Haiti’s Peasants Stand in Solidarity w US protesters

By Global Women's Strike | 9th June 2020

The Global Women’s Strike works with the Haiti Action Committee (HAC) in support of the grassroots movement for democracy in Haiti.  HAC is distributing the important message below from Haitian peasant organizations who say: ‘We Stand In Solidarity to Demand an End to Police Terror’. Press Release fromPeasant Organizations in Haiti,Port-au-Prince May 31, 2020 Haiti…

Action: Money for Mothers & Other Caregivers – take action!

By Global Women's Strike | 19th May 2020

Action Alert Demand Money for Mothers & Other Caregivers in Every Stimulus Bill!   Mothers and other unwaged primary caregivers are counted on for everyone’s survival, especially but not only during this pandemic, yet we are never included in relief/stimulus legislation. Instead, we’re disrespected, especially those of us on welfare or other benefits struggling the…