Global Women's Strike
Global Women’s Strike is an international multiracial network campaigning for recognition and payment for all caring work for people and planet - a Care Income. It is co-ordinated by the International Wages for Housework Campaign and was launched by Selma James in 1972.
Waging War for Women
Tricia Read, Caribbean Times, October 1988
Black and White Women in the Peace Movement
Homerton School, November 1987
Survey to Appraise Women’s Unpaid Work
London Daily News and various newspapers, 1987
Black Women Keep Vigil Against Racist Organisation
The Journal, February 1987
Black Women for Wages for Housework supporting the Anti Apartheid struggle 1986
Black Women for Wages for Housework support the march in 28 June 1986. Breakfast Benefit organised by Black Women for Wages for Housework and Sex Race and Class to raise funds for the Time Off 86 and gather a contingent to go on the Anti Apartheid March. The event was a great success. 28 June…
Blacks Still Get A Raw Deal
Sharon Du Bois, The Observer, 1986
Protesting against the US bombing of Libya
Joining the mass demonstration outside the US Embassy to protest against the bombing of Libya.
Black Women for Wages for Housework picketing the AGM of Rio Tinto Zinc in London.
BWWFH with Kings Cross Women’s Centre Peace Collective, Greenham women, NFIP network and Partizans, picketing the 1986 AGM of Rio Tinto Zinc, which mines uranium on Black People’s land in Namibia, Canada and the USA.
Protesting against the National Front
Black Women for Wages for Housework picket the Ferndale Hotel to protest against National Front attacks on the Kings Cross Women’s Centre and other organisations and individuals. The picket was 500 strong and sponsored by over 80 organisations.