
Global Women's Strike

Global Women’s Strike is an international multiracial network campaigning for recognition and payment for all caring work for people and planet - a Care Income. It is co-ordinated by the International Wages for Housework Campaign and was launched by Selma James in 1972.

Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming, India, wins the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity!

By Global Women's Strike | 19th July 2024

This Natural Farming movement spearheaded by women’s Self-Help Groups, is regenerating the soil, feeding plentiful nutritious food to families and communities, and at the same time demonstrating how to stop and reverse global warming if widely practised.  See extracts of the Prize ceremony with a short film highlighting APCNF’s achievements, and speeches by Vijay Kumar,…

July 20 Philadelphia: Black Women’s Lives Count

By Global Women's Strike | 10th July 2024

BLACK WOMEN’S LIVES COUNT RECLAIMING OUR SISTERS EVERYWHERE (ROSE) Community Conversation · Archives Display · Film clipsMusic · Refreshments · Childcare (call ahead) Saturday July 20 3-5pmCrossroads Women’s Center5011 Wayne Ave Phila PA 19144 Since the early 1980s, at least 200 Black women and girls were killed or disappeared and presumed dead in South Los…

Event: London Land Justice Fair, 21 July, 12-6pm

By Global Women's Strike | 3rd July 2024

We’ll be running a stall, and a workshop on land use in the women-led natural farming movement in Andhra Pradesh, India. All welcome!

Press release from Queer Strike: “When women are paid for all we do, there’ll be a lot of wages due . . .”

By Global Women's Strike | 2nd July 2024

Singer-song writer Gemma Rogers has re-imagined the song, “Wages Due”, written and originally sung by Boo Watson in 1975.  Released on Bandcamp, people are asked to pay what they can when they download the song.  We’re delighted that all proceeds will go to Crossroads Women.    Boo Watson was a founding member of Wages Due Lesbians in Toronto, Canada, and a talented musician. She composed and wrote the “Wages…

Final report: What Mothers and Other Caregivers Want

By Global Women's Strike | 6th June 2024

In a survey of 1065 respondents from 50 countries, an overwhelming 84% said that caring deserves a care income. They wanted more time with their family, and to work outside the home part-time rather than full-time. While the responses summarized in the report reflect only the views of those who took part, they provide illustrative testimonials on crucial topics. Read the report…

Natural Growing in India – our article in Allotment Gardener newsletter

By Global Women's Strike | 24th May 2024

Dear Friends, Please see article below by food growers in the Global Women’s Strike network, inspired by the movement of women farmers in Andhra Pradesh spreading natural farming through their Self-Help Groups. More information on this growing movement here. Natural Growing in India We are allotmentgrowers/gardeners in London and Suffolk,growing food withoutchemicals for some time.We have been inspired bythe grassroots women’sself-help farmingmovement in AndhraPradesh, India.Since 2016, Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming has been spearheaded by women groups that…

Webinar : What Mothers and Other Caregivers Want – findings from international survey, May 11

By Global Women's Strike | 7th May 2024

From March 2022 to May 2023, this survey asked 1065 mothers and other caregivers from different generations and in different countries what they want and need.  Assumptions are always being made about this, but in fact caregivers are rarely directly asked about how we spend our time, the resources we have or don’t have, or…

Webinar: Compensating Care: How U.S. Policy Can Support Unpaid Family Caregivers

By Global Women's Strike | 2nd May 2024

TODAY, May 2 – join us for this pathbreaking one hour webinar on Compensating Care: How U.S. Policy Can Support Unpaid Family Caregivers, Thursday, May 2, 2-3pm Eastern Time, 11am-12noon Pacific Time – It is a joint event by the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), Global Women’s Strike & Women of Color/GWS.…

Happy Birthday Mumia Abu-Jamal!

By Global Women's Strike | 24th April 2024

Dearest Mumia, Thinking of you especially on your landmark 70th birthday and sending arm-loads of love and every good wish. We can’t say enough how precious you are to us and many around the world. You’ve made and continue to make a remarkable life under the most challenging circumstances – inspiring, thoughtful and compassionate. What…

Crowdfunder – Surviving the Military Dictatorship in Myanmar

By Global Women's Strike | 21st April 2024

Surviving the Military Dictatorship in Myanmar is a crowdfunder launched after the powerful testimony we heard at our recent Trade Unions Under Military Rule in Myanmar conference at Friends House. People are being tortured by the regime as political prisoners and need serious medical and physical support when they are released. Others are in hiding…