
Global Women's Strike

Global Women’s Strike is an international multiracial network campaigning for recognition and payment for all caring work for people and planet - a Care Income. It is co-ordinated by the International Wages for Housework Campaign and was launched by Selma James in 1972.

Join us at conference in support of the movement against the military coup in Burma/Myanmar.

By Global Women's Strike | 12th April 2024

Join us on 20 April at the conference we are organising with Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), No Sweat and Peace & Justice Project, in support of the movement against the military coup in Burma/Myanmar. See below and book your tickets here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLXLTMLikaNO84eh5GUk8gyGPz3woxJJy8e-9jSfWP1NjzOA/viewform We are also hosting a benefit comedy gig for Myanmar trade…

Protected: Emergency Appeal for women in Burma/Myanmar

By Global Women's Strike | 12th April 2024

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Women of Colour speaking at Mothers Rebellion

By Global Women's Strike | 28th March 2024

Women of Colour speaking at Mothers Rebellion London circle weekend, in solidarity with the people of Palestine before the National March, Hyde Park corner, Sat 9 March 2024. See the speech here.

International Women’s Day fundraiser for Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) in solidarity with Palestinian women and children

By Global Women's Strike | 8th March 2024

This International Women’s Day, we stand with Palestinian women, children, and their families against the Israel/US genocide including bombing and starvation.

Fundraiser for Palestinian Women and Children

All proceeds to Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) who are organizing food & other direct support in Gaza.

Sunday March 10, 1 PM PDT / 4 PM EDT

Día Internacional de la Mujer Acto para Juntar Fondos En Apoyo de Mujeres y Niñes Palestinas/os

By Global Women's Strike | 6th March 2024

Este Día Internacional de la Mujer, nosotras estamos en en solidaridad con mujeres, niñes y familias Palestinas en contra del genocidio llevado por Israel y EE.UU, incluyendo el bombardeo de Palestina y la hambruna causada. Acto para Juntar Fondos En Apoyo de Mujeres y Niñes Palestinas/os Estamos juntando fondos para la organización Alianza del Medio…

International Women’s Day fundraiser to support Palestinian women & children, Sunday March 10

By Global Women's Strike | 29th February 2024

This International Women’s Day, we stand with Palestinian women, children, and their families against the Israel/US genocide including bombing and starvation.

Online fundraiser for Palestinian Women and Children

All proceeds to Middle Eastern Children’s Alliance (MECA) who are organizing food & other direct support in Gaza.

Sunday March 10, 1 PM PST / 4 PM EST

We denounce the gay Israeli Defense’s (IDF) soldiers

By Global Women's Strike | 1st February 2024

We denounce the gay Israeli Defense Force’s (IDF) soldiers in this article https://www.jta.org/…/israeli-lgbtq-soldiers-hope-the… and all vicious Israeli pinkwashing. There is No Pride in the Slaughter of Others!  Palestinian people in Gaza being bombed, starved, and denied all human rights, will not care if the IDF soldiers killing them and their loved ones are gay or…

Congress: Don’t exclude the most vulnerable children from the Child Tax Credit!

By Global Women's Strike | 26th January 2024

URGENT! Please ask Congressional leadership and your reps to make critical improvements to the Child Tax Credit (CTC) in the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024, the bi-partisan bill now under consideration. ⚡ Also call and tweet your members of Congress and Congressional leadership, see below While there are some positive…

Tweets: Congress, don’t exclude the most vulnerable children from the Child Tax Credit!

By Global Women's Strike | 26th January 2024

URGENT: Tax Relief for American Families & Workers Act is being voted on as soon as week of Jan 29. Tell Congressional leaders & your reps to strengthen it to include covering the poorest children in #ChildTaxCredit. ✍ https://actionnetwork.org/letters/congress-dont-exclude-the-most-vulnerable-children-from-the-child-tax-credit/ URGENT! @RepJeffries @SpeakerJohnson @SenSchumer @LeaderMcConnell don’t leave the poorest, most vulnerable children out of #ChildTaxCredit. The…

Watch our workshop with our sisters from Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming

By Global Women's Strike | 25th January 2024

Speakers: Meerabi Chunduru, Swati Renduchintala, Vijay Kumar, Selma James. Chair: Jyoti Fernandes In the last 20 years, in Andhra Pradesh, India, grassroots women in a secular movement of self-help groups are collectively transforming the food they grow, their families’ health, and increasing their income. They are the largest transition to agroecology in the world, simultaneously…