Tweets: Congress, don’t exclude the most vulnerable children from the Child Tax Credit!

URGENT: Tax Relief for American Families & Workers Act is being voted on as soon as week of Jan 29. Tell Congressional leaders & your reps to strengthen it to include covering the poorest children in #ChildTaxCredit. ✍

URGENT! @RepJeffries @SpeakerJohnson @SenSchumer @LeaderMcConnell don’t leave the poorest, most vulnerable children out of #ChildTaxCredit. The bipartisan tax bill should be strengthened and not leave out the 2+ million children in families w incomes too low to pay taxes.

URGENT! Tell Congress: Strengthen the CTC in the 2024 Tax Relief legislation so the most impoverished children are not excluded! Must cover families incl those w income too low to pay taxes. Call Capitol Switchboard 202-225-3121 to connect w your Rep, 202-225-3121 for Senators.

Hear @RepGwenMoore (D, WI) on why the tax compromise being debated in Congress must be improved to cover all low-income children ➡️Then write Congress:

.@rosadelauro, champion for an expanded #CTC for decades, says about the proposed legislation,  “Corporations get everything they asked for and children got pennies.” ✍WRITE CONGRESS NOW to strengthen the CTC

No mandated work requirements to receive #ChildTaxCredit, mothers & caregivers are already working! @RepJeffries @SpeakerJohnson family caregivers contribute $1.48 trillion/year in unpaid care work to the US economy, & what job is more important than raising the next generation?

The #CTC should be paid to the mother or other primary caregiver, only way to ensure that $$ will be used to benefit children. 1/4 women in the US have suffered domestic violence, mothers need money to protect themselves & their children. ✍WRITE CONGRESS

2024 tax legislation should make #ChildTaxCredit available to all families including #immigrant families w ITIN numbers. The bipartisan compromise bill currently excludes immigrant families with ITINs. ➡️Write Congress TODAY to strengthen #CTC: