Selma James
Book Launch: Wages for Housework – The Story of a Movement, an Idea, a Promise.
A fascinating new book by Emily Callaci about the history of the International Wages for Housework Campaign is being launched in the UK next week (US launch to follow). Wages for Housework The Story of a Movement, an Idea, a Promise features WFH founder Selma James (who turns 95 this year), co-ordinates the Global Women’s…
Read MoreEvent: London Mining Network on Just Transition
We are speaking at this conference, Saturday 30 November 2.45pm, Bernie Grant Centre, Tottenham N15 4RX. Women are central to a Just Transition, resisting mining, corporate greed, and the state/military interests that back them. GWS will talk about what we’ve learned working with women in farming and mining communities in Thailand, and in India.
Read MoreWages for Housework Campaign in major exhibition – Hard Graft: Work, Health and Rights
‘Hard Graft: Work, Health and Rights’ at the Wellcome Collection (London) explores “the profound impact of physical work on health and the body. It delves into the stories of underrepresented workers and their rights within precarious and unsafe labour environments. From protests to healing practices, the exhibition unveils hidden histories of resistance and collective action.…
Read MoreWhy we support Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Farming: a grassroots rebuttal by Nina López and Selma James
In June 2024, the Global Women’s Strike was invited to speak at two sessions on A Care Income to Protect the Land, the People and the Natural World at the International Degrowth Conference in Pontevedra. At the second session, Swati Renduchintala presented via zoom on Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) and the women’s Self-Help…
Read MoreEvent: London Land Justice Fair, 21 July, 12-6pm
We’ll be running a stall, and a workshop on land use in the women-led natural farming movement in Andhra Pradesh, India. All welcome!
Read MorePress release from Queer Strike: “When women are paid for all we do, there’ll be a lot of wages due . . .”
Singer-song writer Gemma Rogers has re-imagined the song, “Wages Due”, written and originally sung by Boo Watson in 1975. Released on Bandcamp, people are asked to pay what they can when they download the song. We’re delighted that all proceeds will go to Crossroads Women. Boo Watson was a founding member of Wages Due Lesbians in Toronto, Canada, and a talented musician. She composed and wrote the “Wages…
Read MoreNatural Growing in India – our article in Allotment Gardener newsletter
Dear Friends, Please see article below by food growers in the Global Women’s Strike network, inspired by the movement of women farmers in Andhra Pradesh spreading natural farming through their Self-Help Groups. More information on this growing movement here. Natural Growing in India We are allotmentgrowers/gardeners in London and Suffolk,growing food withoutchemicals for some time.We have been inspired bythe grassroots women’sself-help farmingmovement in AndhraPradesh, India.Since 2016, Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming has been spearheaded by women groups that…
Read MoreWebinar : What Mothers and Other Caregivers Want – findings from international survey, May 11
From March 2022 to May 2023, this survey asked 1065 mothers and other caregivers from different generations and in different countries what they want and need. Assumptions are always being made about this, but in fact caregivers are rarely directly asked about how we spend our time, the resources we have or don’t have, or…
Read MoreIrish Referendum results: not a return to the Ireland of the past, but the rejection of a government which denies its responsibilities.
On 8 March, a government referendum proposed to change the Irish Constitution by extending the definition of the family (Amendment 39) and replacing Article 41.2 on the work of mothers in the home with wording that diminished the State’s obligation to support caring in the home and outside (Amendment 40). The government suffered a comprehensive…
Read MoreWe denounce the gay Israeli Defense’s (IDF) soldiers
We denounce the gay Israeli Defense Force’s (IDF) soldiers in this article…/israeli-lgbtq-soldiers-hope-the… and all vicious Israeli pinkwashing. There is No Pride in the Slaughter of Others! Palestinian people in Gaza being bombed, starved, and denied all human rights, will not care if the IDF soldiers killing them and their loved ones are gay or…
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