Posts Tagged ‘Women of Colour International struggle’
Shamima case shows terrible prejudice
Read Layla Omar’s brilliant article published in the Camden New Journal, describing how and why the government’s removal of Shamima Begum’s British citizenship is drenched in racism, and undermines all our rights. If Shamima isn’t British, then many of us are not.
Read MoreTODAY Join the Haiti Action Committee for a Day of Action in Solidarity with the Haitian People, thursday 27 April.
Please share this powerful statement issued yesterday by women’s and popular organizations in Haiti, calling for an end to the genocide of the people of Haiti. And join TODAY’s (Thursday) Day of Action called by Haiti Action Committee, our point of reference. Tweet/share on your social media. See Demands, sample tweets and background information here. Global Women’s Strike (GWS), Women of Color/GWS, and Payday men’s…
Read MoreWomen of Colour GWS: International Women’s Day statement – 8 March 2019
As we celebrate, we also struggle and re-energise all our campaigns for justice. The hostile environment has caused such deep suffering, and whipped up racism against communities of colour, and therefore all of us. A damning Parliamentary report (6 March 2019) lays out how the Home Office is continuing the brutal treatment of Windrush survivors and…
Read MoreDanny Glover supports Global Women’s Strike campaign for Haitian people
“Shanty Town” at the UNHCR: Global Women’s Strike join protests on European Day of Action for the rights of immigrants and asylum seekers.
Destitute pregnant women joins striking women to demand rights
Open letter to Refugee Council, Refugee Arrivals Project, Refugee Action to Stop Collaborating with the most repressive and racist immigration laws ever
Black Women for Wages for Housework supporting the Anti Apartheid struggle 1986
Black Women for Wages for Housework support the march in 28 June 1986. Breakfast Benefit organised by Black Women for Wages for Housework and Sex Race and Class to raise funds for the Time Off 86 and gather a contingent to go on the Anti Apartheid March. The event was a great success. 28 June…
Read MoreProtesting against the US bombing of Libya
Joining the mass demonstration outside the US Embassy to protest against the bombing of Libya.
Read MoreBlack Women for Wages for Housework picketing the AGM of Rio Tinto Zinc in London.
BWWFH with Kings Cross Women’s Centre Peace Collective, Greenham women, NFIP network and Partizans, picketing the 1986 AGM of Rio Tinto Zinc, which mines uranium on Black People’s land in Namibia, Canada and the USA.
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