Letter of thanks from Margarett D’Arcy
Dochas Women’s Prison
Mount Joy
NC Road
Dublin 7
(posted 25 Feb 2014)
Dear Women,
I am overwhelmed with your support and amazed with your energy, it is hard work when the State incarcerates women who are doing the work that the Irish State should be doing. Protecting our neutrality, bringing justice, affirming its devotion to the ideal of peace and friendly co-operation amongst nations founded on International justice and morality. In other words your succinct slogan Caring not killing.
There is no doubt that the culture of expression now is turning towards Caring not Killing. I am quite humbled at the amount of support and committed understanding of my action. In particular amongst my generation who has experienced World War II.
The world is awakening and it’s women who are blowing the bugle and blasting away. I see Megan Rice in the USA – an 84 year old nun – has been jailed for 3 years for breaking into a US nuclear weapons complex, and 2 others with her were jailed for 5 years.
The struggles continues
all my love
Margaretta D’Arcy