The Big One

Together with 60,000, we took part in XR's The Big One, four days of action 21-24 April, around Parliament to force the UK government to act on the climate emergency.

Day One: Unite to Survive – "Women Care" Speak Out

Diverse networks of mothers, grandmothers, other carers and people with disabilities spoke out on refusing poverty, the devaluing of caring and cuts in benefits, and the criminalisation of protests. The government wants to cut mothers’ and disabled people’s benefits, to force us “back to work” regardless of needs, wishes or poverty wages – stealing our survival entitlements to enrich fossil fuel polluters and other destructive industries. Raising children and coping with disability and ill-health is essential work which should be supported not punished.


Day Two: Earth Day – "Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Free Ourselves” Rally

On 24 April, Mumia Abu-Jamal turned 69 years old. He is one of the best-known political prisoners in the US and will have been inside 42 years for a crime he did not commit. His campaign for legal redress has been dealt another blow. On 3 April 2023, Judge Lucretia Clemons in Philadelphia dismissed the petition to hear evidence that had been withheld from the original defence team "lost" for 40 years - evidence that in other cases would have led to prisoner release. The Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign in London is joining with others across Europe and the US, to redouble efforts to free Mumia.


Day Three: "Climate Justice = Migrant Justice"

Thousands of activists from across the UK gathered outside the Home Office, 23 April 2023, to hear why we must come together to oppose the Home Secretary's "Illegal Migrants Bill" and her detested Rwanda Plan. People deposited thousands of origami pink boats which had a template letter for MPs:

"Climate justice and migrant justice are inextricably connected. Of the 59.1 million people internally displaced in 2021 across the world, most were displaced by climate-related disasters. As the climate crisis worsens, as a result of actions of this government among others, more people will be forced to migrate. This Bill denies people who are fleeing for their lives a place of safety by increasing detention and arbitrarily denying people the right to apply for asylum."

20,000 origami boats were made and posted to MPs and Home Secretary Suella Braverman.

Hear from those directly affected why we must all oppose this repressive and dangerous legislation.

Pink boatd
PinkBoats floating -credit Rob Callender

Day Four: "March to end Fossil Fuels"

Planning groups we worked with during all four days included women from Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign; East London Unite Community; Justice for Bristol Protesters; Mothers’ Manifesto; Nanas Against Fracking; Newham Disability Reps Forum; Single Mothers’ Self-Defence; WinVisible (women with visible and invisible disabilities); Women of Colour Global Women’s Strike; XRUK programming; and individuals from around the UK as well as from Payday men’s network.

Placard making

>>> More news on Climate Justice

Event: London Mining Network on Just Transition

By Global Women's Strike | 28th November 2024

We are speaking at this conference, Saturday 30 November 2.45pm, Bernie Grant Centre, Tottenham N15 4RX. Women are central to a Just Transition,  resisting mining, corporate greed, and the state/military interests that back them.  GWS will talk about what we’ve learned working with women in farming and mining communities in Thailand, and in India.

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Why we support Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Farming: a grassroots rebuttal by Nina López and Selma James

By Global Women's Strike | 5th September 2024

In June 2024, the Global Women’s Strike was invited to speak at two sessions on A Care Income to Protect the Land, the People and the Natural World at the International Degrowth Conference in Pontevedra. At the second session, Swati Renduchintala presented via zoom on Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) and the women’s Self-Help…

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Event: London Land Justice Fair, 21 July, 12-6pm

By Global Women's Strike | 3rd July 2024

We’ll be running a stall, and a workshop on land use in the women-led natural farming movement in Andhra Pradesh, India. All welcome!

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Natural Growing in India – our article in Allotment Gardener newsletter

By Global Women's Strike | 24th May 2024

Dear Friends, Please see article below by food growers in the Global Women’s Strike network, inspired by the movement of women farmers in Andhra Pradesh spreading natural farming through their Self-Help Groups. More information on this growing movement here. Natural Growing in India We are allotmentgrowers/gardeners in London and Suffolk,growing food withoutchemicals for some time.We have been inspired bythe grassroots women’sself-help farmingmovement in AndhraPradesh, India.Since 2016, Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming has been spearheaded by women groups that…

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Watch our workshop with our sisters from Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming

By Global Women's Strike | 25th January 2024

Speakers: Meerabi Chunduru, Swati Renduchintala, Vijay Kumar, Selma James. Chair: Jyoti Fernandes In the last 20 years, in Andhra Pradesh, India, grassroots women in a secular movement of self-help groups are collectively transforming the food they grow, their families’ health, and increasing their income. They are the largest transition to agroecology in the world, simultaneously…

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GWS UK visit Thailand, November 2023

By Global Women's Strike | 28th November 2023

In November 2023, Lisa and Sara from GWS UK were invited to Thailand by Bee (Pranom Somwong of Protection International) for a two-day gathering of the Community Women Human Rights Defenders Collective which campaigns for a care income. The event was followed by a national tour to meet women organisers in their communities. It was a fantastic learning…

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Event: Theft from Africa – Workshop for Black History Month.

By Global Women's Strike | 25th October 2023

Women of Colour GWS tell the story of what the British and other empires stole from the African continent and its people. According to research, £7.5 trillion is owed by Britain to its former colonies for slavery. Is this an underestimate and if so what is the true cost of the theft of people and resources…

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In the media: Climate change lessons from Andhra Pradesh, Camden New Journal.

By Global Women's Strike | 14th July 2023

The state of Andhra Pradesh in India has seen a transformation to natural farming which has been made possible by women organizing, writes Solveig Francis. They have created thousands of self-help organizations across more than 3,000 villages.  Since 2016 they have spearheaded an agricultural, economic and social transformation through Community Managed Natural Farming: agroecology based on no/low tilling,…

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Event: Climate change – learning from women farmers in Andhra Pradesh, India.

By Global Women's Strike | 13th July 2023

A Global Women’s Strike event for South India Heritage Month. Thursday 20 July 2023, 6-8pm, Swiss Cottage Library, 88 Avenue Rd, London NW3 3HA.  ALL WELCOME. What we saw when we visited the women’s self-help groups transforming their communities with natural farming. We in the city must know more about how our food is grown…

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