Global Womens Strike US

About Us 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus nisl quis ornare dignissim. Vivamus tincidunt et sem vitae luctus. Vivamus id mollis nisi. Cras id leo semper, pharetra nisi vel, iaculis eros. Vestibulum non tortor mauris. Curabitur viverra, nisi nec imperdiet finibus, leo massa accumsan mi, sit amet tristique augue velit quis enim. Vivamus viverra, risus at finibus convallis, mi enim sodales sapien, et condimentum elit nisl et ligula. Praesent interdum mollis magna, at pellentesque augue aliquam non. Proin maximus, libero eget molestie mattis, felis felis porttitor velit, sit amet lobortis purus mi quis velit. Nunc egestas id nunc suscipit iaculis. Vestibulum in dolor convallis nunc suscipit.

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Contact details

US – Philadelphia: 
Facebook / Twitter.

US – Los Angeles:
Facebook / Twitter.

US – San Francisco:

Our campaigns

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam


Child Tax Credits

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus diam nisl quis ornarod vivamus tincidunt et sem vitae luctus.


DHS give us back our children

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus diam nisl quis ornarod vivamus tincidunt et sem vitae luctus.


Poor peoples campaign

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus diam nisl quis ornarod vivamus tincidunt et sem vitae luctus.

Our History 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus nisl quis ornare dignissim. Vivamus tincidunt et sem vitae luctus. Vivamus id mollis nisi. Cras id leo semper, pharetra nisi vel, iaculis eros. Vestibulum non tortor mauris. Curabitur viverra, nisi nec imperdiet finibus, leo massa accumsan mi, sit amet tristique augue velit quis enim. Vivamus viverra, risus at finibus convallis, mi enim sodales sapien, et condimentum elit nisl et ligula. Praesent interdum mollis magna, at pellentesque augue aliquam non. Proin maximus, libero eget molestie mattis, felis felis porttitor velit, sit amet lobortis purus mi quis velit. Nunc egestas id nunc suscipit iaculis. Vestibulum in dolor convallis nunc suscipit.


Autonomous orgs and Crossroads Women’s Center

CTC 9-29.6

Org 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus nisl quis ornare dignissim. Vivamus tincidunt et sem vitae luctus. Vivamus id mollis nisi. Cras id leo semper.

CTC 9-29.5.

Org 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus nisl quis ornare dignissim. Vivamus tincidunt et sem vitae luctus. Vivamus id mollis nisi. Cras id leo semper.


Org 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempus nisl quis ornare dignissim. Vivamus tincidunt et sem vitae luctus. Vivamus id mollis nisi. Cras id leo semper.

Latest News

Tell US Congress: Don’t cut the Child Tax Credit! ⚡ Twitter storm Wednesday

By Global Women's Strike | 29th September 2021

10am PT / 11am MT / 12noon CT / 1pm ET  Mothers say: We need the Child Tax Credit (CTC) for all our children, made permanent, and paid directly to us. The lives of millions of children have been dramatically improved as they are lifted out of poverty by their mothers receiving CTC. (See:…

Press statement: Mothers and others welcome the re-introduction of Worker Relief & Credit Reform Act

By Global Women's Strike | 23rd July 2021

Date: Friday July 23, 2021From: Care Income Now!/US (CIN!)*, coordinated by Global Women Strike and Women of Color/GWS  Unpaid family caregivers are workers! Mothers and others welcome the re-introduction of the Worker Relief & Credit Reform Act making unpaid caregivers and students eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. Today, as US Congresswoman Gwen…

Unpaid Caregivers Participate in Child Tax Credit Awareness Day, and Press Policy Makers to Make the Child Tax Credit Permanent and Pay It to the Primary Caretaker

By Global Women's Strike | 21st June 2021

ISSUED BY: Care Income Now/US Care Income Now/US is participating in the Monday, June 21 Child Tax Credit (CTC) Awareness Day. Our multi-racial urban and rural network is releasing a letter calling on President Biden, Vice President Harris, elected officials, and the Treasury Department to make the credits a permanent child benefit payable by…

Press Statement: Child Tax Credits – Campaigners see our work bearing fruit, press for more

By Global Women's Strike | 9th June 2021

Press Statement re Child Tax Credits issued by the Wages for Housework Campaign which coordinates the Global Women’s Strike Child Tax Credits – children need it, mothers have earned it. Our international women’s network, which has been campaigning for nearly 50 years for payments for the vital unwaged caring work that mainly women do, welcomes…

Sign letter: We urge that Child Tax Credits go to mothers or other primary caregivers

By Global Women's Strike | 30th April 2021

Members of Congress, President Biden and Vice President Harris: We urge that Child Tax Credits go to mothers or other primary caregivers, leading to a permanent child cash benefit, and for the $15/hour minimum wage campaign promise to be honored. SIGN THE LETTER Seventy percent of the poor in the US are women and children.1…

Letter to NY Times: ‘Every Mother Is a Working Mother’

By Global Women's Strike | 26th April 2021

To the Editor: Re “Why Are We Worrying About Women’s Work?” (Opinion,, March 19): As a former Arby’s employee, I was glad that Elizabeth Bruenig questioned those who promote the importance of “standing behind the counter at Arby’s” over being a stay-at-home mother. Does forcing mothers on welfare to leave infants as young as…

March 18 National Welfare Rights Union Truth Commission – Poverty in All Its Forms is Violence

By Global Women's Strike | 10th March 2021

Register now for the Truth Commission: Poverty in all its forms is violence: Caregivers victimized by poverty speak out! (online). Thursday March 18 from 7-8:30pm (US Eastern Time).   Convened by National Welfare Rights Union (NWRU).  Testifiers include Global Women’s Strike Benefits Working Group members. Registration link:

Jacobin: The Senate Just Took a Baby Step Toward the Feminist Goal of a Universal Child Benefit

By Global Women's Strike | 9th March 2021

BY LIZA FEATHERSTONE On International Women’s Day, the good news is that the new COVID-19 relief bill will include a kind-of, sort-of universal child benefit — a policy that feminists have long called for. But the overly complicated, burdensome way the policy is implemented means that on this issue, the Left still has its work…

Statement: International Women’s Day 2021

By Global Women's Strike | 8th March 2021

Global Women’s Strike & Women of Colour GWS – International Women’s Day 2021 CARING for PEOPLE and PLANET Against POVERTY and DICTATORSHIP Women (and men) in a number of countries are calling for a Care Income Now!, an income for all those – beginning with women, the first carers everywhere, and extending to all genders…

Video: Rev. Barber Poor People’s Campaign sermon after coup attempt

By Global Women's Strike | 11th January 2021

Global Women’s Strike and Women of Colour in the Global Women’s Strike in the US are National partners of the Poor People’s Campaign. Watch here: “If you really want to do something, transform our politics from control by the corporations to CARING for the least of us. That’s what real repentance would look like.…