Women of colour in GWS

We are a network of African, Asian, Caribbean, Latina and Indigenous women in the Global Women Strike, campaigning against sexism, racism, poverty, war, ecological devastation, police violence, militarism, and justice for all beginning with asylum seekers, immigrants and women of colour.

We are part of the global BLM movement, focusing on Haiti, India, Palestine, Thailand and other countries in Global South. We demand a Care Income for all genders doing caring work, including for the survival of people and planet, funds to come from military budgets/corporations. Part of Global Women Against Deportations (GWAD) organising for refugee/immigrant rights.

Our contact details  

Telephone: 0207 482 2496

Recent News for Women of Colour in GWS

Haiti Action Committee Condemns Calls for Expanded Foreign Military Intervention in Haiti

By Global Women's Strike | 21st October 2022

From Haiti Action <action.haiti@gmail.com> SF/Bay Area! Come Out To Protest Expanded Foreign Military Intervention in Haiti October 26th, 4pm  San Francisco Federal Building 90 – 7th Street, San Francisco Turning to the UN Security Council, the OAS, and the US government to “stabilize” the crisis in Haiti is like pleading with arsonists to quell the fire they…

Free Assange Human Chain: Surround Parliament on Saturday 8 October.

By Global Women's Strike | 5th October 2022

A number of us will participate in this action in defense of Julian Assange organised by the Don’t Extradite Assange Campaign on Saturday 8 October. See their mailing below. Hope you can join us there. Will you be the next link in our Human Chain to Free Assange? We have 3549 links out of an…

Statement: White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, 28 Sept 2022

By Global Women's Strike | 28th September 2022

Statement from the Global Women’s Strike, Women of Color/GWS and Care Income Now! To reach President Biden’s goal of ending hunger by 2030, the poverty of mothers, other primary caregivers and those caring for the land must be eliminated. We call for an expanded fully-refundable Child Tax Credit paid monthly and directly to mothers/ primary…

Mothers and other Caregivers Say, Our Children Are Hungry – Reinstate the Child Tax Credit Now!

By Global Women's Strike | 27th September 2022

Studies show that the majority of families used the Child Tax Credit to buy food. Reinstating the expanded refundable Child Tax Credit is needed to end hunger: Prioritize it!

As the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health convenes tomorrow – the first such conference in over 50 years – and as President Biden has pledged to end hunger and diet-related diseases by 2030, it’s urgent to call on elected officials to make reinstating the expanded Child Tax Credit a top priority.

Race and Wrongful Convictions in the US, published by the National Registry of Exonerations.

By Global Women's Strike | 4th September 2022

Download the report here…

Unwaged Caregivers join June 18th Poor People’s Campaign Mass Poor People’s & Low Wage Workers Assembly & Moral March on Washington DC

By Global Women's Strike | 16th June 2022

On June 18th mothers and other unwaged caregivers are joining with other poor, unwaged and low-waged workers and people of conscience to take part in the giant Poor People’s Campaign Mass Assembly in Washington, DC. Women and children make up 70% of impoverished people in the US. Though we are workers putting in long hours…

Work Requirements for Child Tax Credits Are An Insult to Mothers (Ms. Magazine)

By Global Women's Strike | 13th April 2022

Sen. Joe Manchin has been demanding “work requirements” for qualification—but every mother is a working mother, and every mother knows that.

Why women oppose the Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill.

By Global Women's Strike | 29th March 2022

We have been organising for decades for protection and justice from a pandemic of sexual and domestic violence against women and children, reinforced by policies of austerity that target us, undermining our financial independence and therefore our safety. Survivors of rape and domestic violence have come forward, nationally and internationally, reporting an epidemic of sexual…

Video: Wages for Housework: 50 years of campaigning – Selma James, founder of the WFH Campaign, in conversation with Margaret Prescod, co-founder Black Women for Wages for Housework

By Global Women's Strike | 25th March 2022

Novara Media: Correction request re Wages for Housework Campaign article

By Global Women's Strike | 24th March 2022

Dear Novara Media, Re https://novaramedia.com/2022/03/21/the-wages-for-housework-campaign-is-as-relevant-as-ever/ The article by Sophie Rosa, published on 21 March, grossly misinforms about the Wages for Housework Campaign which is celebrating 50 years of uninterrupted campaigning this year. It jumbles together academics past and present, avoiding the concrete struggles our international grassroots network has been making in the Global South and…