Women of colour in GWS

We are a network of African, Asian, Caribbean, Latina and Indigenous women in the Global Women Strike, campaigning against sexism, racism, poverty, war, ecological devastation, police violence, militarism, and justice for all beginning with asylum seekers, immigrants and women of colour.

We are part of the global BLM movement, focusing on Haiti, India, Palestine, Thailand and other countries in Global South. We demand a Care Income for all genders doing caring work, including for the survival of people and planet, funds to come from military budgets/corporations. Part of Global Women Against Deportations (GWAD) organising for refugee/immigrant rights.

Our contact details  

Telephone: 0207 482 2496

Recent News for Women of Colour in GWS

US: Ask your Representative to cosponsor Worker Relief & Credit Reform Act

By Global Women's Strike | 8th March 2023

Exciting news – Rep Gwen Moore will be reintroducing the Worker Relief and Credit Reform (WRCR) Act this Thursday, March 9. Please ask your Representative to sign-on to the WRCR Act right away as an original co-sponsor. You can send a model letter directly to your reps at this link.The WRCR Act modernizes the Earned…

Alabama: Power to prisoners & supporters on both sides of the wall

By Global Women's Strike | 8th February 2023

Dear friends,  We wanted you to see our letter of support (below) sent by Payday and other organizations in the Global Women’s Strike network to the prisoners’ movement against slavery and cruel and unusual punishment in the US state of Alabama.  The Alabama prisoners’ strike lasted almost a month last fall despite constant harassment and retaliation…

Care Income leaflet for 2023 Oxford Real Farming Conference

By Global Women's Strike | 3rd January 2023

Campaigning for an income for all who care for people, the soil and the natural world can: • Strengthen the movement against environmental destruction & global warming • Address poverty & other injustice suffered by those, overwhelmingly women, who do this work unwaged or low-waged • Redirect economic & social priorities internationally towards nourishing food (starting with breastfeeding), clean water & air, and the care & protection of all life • Encourage all genders & identities to commit to this lifesaving life-enhancing work.

Call to action: #CTC Social Media Storm: Calling on Congress to Reinstate the Child Tax Credit Now! December 7th.

By Global Women's Strike | 7th December 2022

It’s URGENT that Congress members extend the expanded refundable Child Tax Credit before 2022 comes to a close. US Census data shows that child poverty was cut 46% to a record low of 5.2% in 2021, mostly due to the expanded Child Tax Credit. But Congress did not extend the CTC when it ended in December…

Event : Black Women’s Lives Count: Reclaiming Our Sisters Everywhere.

By Global Women's Strike | 7th December 2022

Support a permanent memorial for South Los Angeles victims of serial murders. ONLINE Thursday, December 8, 2022 3:30pm PST / 5:30pm CST / 6:30pm ESTRegister at https://bit.ly/rosesladec8 Event organized by Black Coalition Fighting Back Serial MurdersDonate: http://rosesouthla.org/donate  For more info: http://rosesouthla.org/contact-us.

Why a retrial for Mumia Abu-Jamal is necessary…

By Global Women's Strike | 4th December 2022

On December 16, 2022, Judge Lucretia Clemons (Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas)  Will Hold the Final Hearing Where She Will Grant or Deny Formal Review of New Exculpatory Evidence, Abu-Jamal’s Best Chance at a New Trial Prepared by Dr. Johanna Fernandez (jfernandez1202@gmail.com) and Ira Arlook iarlook@gmail.com [1] J. Patrick O’Connor, The Framing of Mumia Abu-Jamal (Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 2008):…

Haitian women mobilize against government violence

By Global Women's Strike | 28th November 2022

Powerful statement by Haitian women taking to the streets against government violence and massacres.  Please share widely. https://peoplesdispatch.org/2022/11/24/haitian-women-to-mobilize-on-november-25-against-political-violence/ Haitian women mobilize on November 25 against political violence Amid an increase in political violence and human rights violations, Haitian women of all backgrounds denounce violence against women by the governments of Ariel Henry and his Dominican…

United Friends & Family annual march, Sat 29 Oct, 12 noon

By Global Women's Strike | 28th October 2022

We’re joining the annual march again this Sat 29 Oct, assemble 12 noon, Trafalgar Sq.   Please come to support and let your networks know. Look out for our banner. More info here:  https://4wardeveruk.org/2022/10/uffc-announce-the-2022-annual-rally-demonstration/

Free Mumia! Key hearing 26 Oct, Philadelphia

By Global Women's Strike | 25th October 2022

Dear Friends, PACKING THE PHILADELPHIA COURT This Wednesday 26 Oct in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal An important hearing is being held 26 Oct that could lead to reopening Mumia Abu-Jamal’s case, establish his innocence and secure his release. v  Links to court live-stream & what you can do: linktr.ee/mumia v  More info from Love Not…

Haiti: Fri 21 Oct. Stop US-Canadian intervention, 4-5pm

By Global Women's Strike | 21st October 2022

HANDS OFF HAITI! Friday 21 Oct 2022  4-5pm High Commission of Canada, Canada House, London SW1Y 5BJ Called by Caribbean Labour Solidarity. See more info: Haiti Action Committee Support Haiti’s Popular Movement by donations to Haiti Emergency Relief Fund. No to US and UN military intervention in Haiti • US Stop Supporting Ariel Henry and…