
Global Women's Strike

Global Women’s Strike is an international multiracial network campaigning for recognition and payment for all caring work for people and planet - a Care Income. It is co-ordinated by the International Wages for Housework Campaign and was launched by Selma James in 1972.

Women say: reorient benefits to support us and recognise care work

By Global Women's Strike | 1st July 2019

Here is our submission to the Labour Policy Forum about benefits and employment, done jointly with WinVisible – women with visible and invisible disabilities .  Anyone can make a submission, as an individual or organisation, as a Labour Party member or guest.  The consultation ends tomorrow 30 June.  https://www.policyforum.labour.org.uk/commissions Labour policy review – Work, pensions and…

Mothers’ Climate March, Sunday 12 May, 12 noon Hyde Park Corner – join us

By Global Women's Strike | 11th May 2019

We’re joining the Mothers’ Climate March because: Rural mothers risk their lives to defensed  lands/forests/waters from agribusinesss/mega-dams/mining/fracking which are driving much of global heating. Mothers are at the forefront of a global peasant movement which is taking on industrial agriculture to provide healthy food for all and re-green and cool the planet! Breastfeeding is discouraged-…

Statement: End Discrimination: Respect Human Rights And Restore Shamina Begum’s UK Nationality

By Global Women's Strike | 15th April 2019

END DISCRIMINATION: RESPECT HUMAN RIGHTS AND RESTORE SHAMINA BEGUM’S UK NATIONALITY For clarification and/or further information, kindly contact Charles Hector (+60192371100 easytocall@gmail.com), Selma James ( +44 20 7482 2496,  gws@globalwomenstrike.net ) and/or Nina Lopez ( +44 20 7482 2496, law@allwomencount.net ) Kindly report on this statement, OR alternatively cause it to be published in your…

Video: Defending our children & our world

By Global Women's Strike | 26th March 2019

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X06sCwskBc&w=560&h=315]

New Zealand: Women of Colour condemn Mosque Shootings

By Global Women's Strike | 18th March 2019

Dear friends, We have updated our statement (sent 16 March). Great if you can send it round your networks with Facebook event for the Vigil tonight, which we have been invited to co-host and speak at.  We will be meeting 5.30pm onwards outside News Corp, 1 London Bridge St, London. See map Hope to see…

Women of Colour GWS: International Women’s Day statement – 8 March 2019

By Global Women's Strike | 8th March 2019

As we celebrate, we also struggle and re-energise all our campaigns for justice.   The hostile environment has caused such deep suffering, and whipped up racism against communities of colour, and therefore all of us.  A damning Parliamentary report (6 March 2019) lays out how the Home Office is continuing the brutal treatment of Windrush survivors and…

End Police rape, brutality, killings in Nigeria #EndSARS: 

By Global Women's Strike | 28th February 2019

In blatant disregard for the lives of fellow African people, Nigerian police areattacking protesters, but we are heartened at the bravery and determination of people in the massive protests against police killing and brutality and the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). The movement in support of the uprising in Nigeria is growing worldwide. Read our statement in support…

GWS on the 1st UK-wide Youth Strike 4 Climate #FFF

By Global Women's Strike | 18th February 2019

The Global Women’s Strike was happy to support the 1st UK-wide Youth Strike 4 Climate #FFF in Parliament Square on 15 February. Several thousand multi-racial resolute school students gathered in Parliament Sq and blockaded the traffic. Actions were planned in at least 60 towns and cities across the UK, from Cornwall to the Highlands.  Young women…

8 March: picket Royal Courts of Justice 12-2 pm

By Global Women's Strike | 18th February 2019

WHAT IS THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S STRIKE? ● The first Global Women’s Strike (coordinated by the Wages for Housework Campaign – WFH) was called for 8 March 2000, inspired by the 1975 Iceland women’s Day Off and a strike call by women in Ireland ● In 2016 women in Poland stopped work against anti-abortion laws ●…

Please sign: Unison petition to repeal two child limit to Universal Credit +Tax Credits

By Global Women's Strike | 14th February 2019

Dear Friends Please sign, and circulate the Petition to the UK Government and Parliament: Repeal the two child limit to Tax Credits and Universal Credit http://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/233887 Tweet from Unison, 11 Jan 2019 http://twitter.com/unisontweets/status/1083665095304101888 UNISON – the union‏ @unisontweets The decision not to extend the 2 child limit to families that had their third child before 6…