Event: Selma James & Nina Lopez at Gender, livelihood & impact of Covid
Tuesday 1 Sept, 2.30-4.30pm: Selma James and Nina Lopez speaking at conference session on: Gender, livelihood and the impact of Covid organized by the Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance. To register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/economy-and-livelihoods-after-covid-19-tickets-116083505891
This session is organized by the Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA). It contains intersectional feminist reflections on Covid-19 and the politics of social reproduction, the Care Income, and the politics of care and commons in a context of ecological crisis. After a brief introduction to FaDA by Corinna Dengler, who hosts this session alongside Katy Wiese, we are looking forward to mini-inputs (7-10 minutes) by:
- Anna Saave on the pandemic as an opening for a care-full radical transformation;
- Susan Paulson on Covid-19, care & masculinities;
- Selma James and Nina López from the Global Women’s Strike on the Care Income; and
- Manuela Zechner on the politics of care and commons in a context of ecological crisis.
Following these inputs, there will be time to discuss the question how care can be organized in a degrowth society that strives for both intersectional gender and environmental justice first amongst the panelists and later on with the audience.