Event: Selma James speaking at McStrike #StrikeforBlackLives Solidarity Zoom Rally. Sun 19 July 2020.
Tuesday, 14 July 2020 10:26 AM 0
On July 20, 2020, members of the McStrike’s sister union, SEIU will take action across the United States in a Strike for Black Lives. Join The McStrike’s Zoom Solidarity Rally to show your solidarity and raise up our voices as together we forge a path forward to demand racial and economic justice in society and the workplace.
Time and Date: 7pm, Sunday 19 July 2020
Location: On Zoom
• • US Fast Food worker – Fight for 15
• • UK Fast Food worker – McStrike BAME Committee
• • Selma James [Invited]
• • Alex Wanjiku Kelvert – BLM UK [Invited]
• • Gary Younge – [Invited]
In the United States, SEIU members, workers in the Fight for $15 and a Union, and allies in other unions will be driving a national day of action, using their power as a union and as workers to walk off the job, withhold their labor, and launch protests all over the country in support of dismantling racism and white supremacy, to bring about fundamental changes in workplaces, the economy, and society.
In the UK, Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) fast food workers have come together to call out the systemic racism that runs through fast food corporations and wider society. We are demanding change from fast food CEOs who pay lip service to the Black Lives Matter movement whilst they fail to protect BAME workers from individual and systemic racial abuse, pay us poverty wages and refuse us a platform to have our voices heard.
We stand at a pivotal moment in global history as the Coronavirus pandemic causes devastation across the world, and millions are mobilising against racist police brutality.
Our US sisters and Brothers deserve our SOLIDARITY, through us connecting our struggles and building the power of our movement to tackle racial and economic injustice. We must declare that Black Lives Matter and illustrate all the ways our fights for racial, economic, healthcare, immigration, climate and other justice fights are connected.
The simultaneous crises of Covid-19 and police brutality towards Black Americans and
other oppressed minorities around the world have led to an unprecedented moment
with new opportunities for connection, for building the path forward together, and
for declaring that we will not return to “normal.”
Organised by the McStrike BAME Committee.
Supported by the BFAWU, McStrike, War on Want,
Hashtag = #StrikeForBlackLives
Below is a list of actions you can take part in to support the action
• • Join the rally on Sunday 19th July at 7pm
• • Register here http://www.mcstrike.uk/strikeforblacklives
• • Promote the ZOOM rally.
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I’m joining the #StrikeforBlackLives Solidarity Rally because there is no economic justice without racial justice.
Register here: https://mcstrike.uk/strikeforblacklives/#ZoomRally
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I’m joining the #StrikeforBlackLives Solidarity call because I stand with US workers striking for racial and economic justice https://mcstrike.uk/strikeforblacklives/#ZoomRally
• • To be listed as a supporting organisation for the event email Gareth.Lane@BFAWU.org
• • Tweet a message of support to American workers 19th of July at 8pm, using #StrikeforBlackLives.
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I’m standing in solidarity with US workers who are on #StrikeforBlackLives
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I support US workers who are on #StrikeforBlackLives
• • Encourage your supporters to join the Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/2615882351983435More Articles by Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union …