Events – Organizing Stories: Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein in conversation with Selma James 6 April 12.15 EDT

Join us for a conversation with Professor Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Black feminist theorist and theoretical physicist and author of The Disordered Cosmos: A Journey into Dark Matter, Spacetime, and Dreams Deferred (2021), and her grandmother Selma James, long-time feminist activist and ‘Wages for Housework’ co-founder, on Wednesday, April 6th, 12:15-1:15pm. In keeping with this spring’s Organizing Stories theme, Feminism’s Archives, Prescod-Weinstein and James will be in conversation about James’ new book, Our Time Is Now: Sex, Race, Class, and Caring for People and Planet (2021), and the legacies of inter-generational feminism.

Princeton undergraduate students who register and attend can receive a complimentary copy of Selma James’ new book (email for more info).

RSVP here.

Organizing Stories is a student-driven project supported by the Humanities Council Exploratory Grant in the Humanities and founded and directed by  Autumn M. Womack (English; African American Studies) and Monica Huerta (English; American Studies). Organizing Stories receives its primary funding from the Humanities Council, with co-sponsorship from the University Center for Human Values, Department of African American Studies, African Humanities Colloquium, and the Dean of Faculty.