
Global Women's Strike

Global Women’s Strike is an international multiracial network campaigning for recognition and payment for all caring work for people and planet - a Care Income. It is co-ordinated by the International Wages for Housework Campaign and was launched by Selma James in 1972.

Alabama: Power to prisoners & supporters on both sides of the wall

By Global Women's Strike | 8th February 2023

Dear friends,  We wanted you to see our letter of support (below) sent by Payday and other organizations in the Global Women’s Strike network to the prisoners’ movement against slavery and cruel and unusual punishment in the US state of Alabama.  The Alabama prisoners’ strike lasted almost a month last fall despite constant harassment and retaliation…

Video: GWS speaking to mark the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar

By Global Women's Strike | 1st February 2023

Join us to mark the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar

By Global Women's Strike | 31st January 2023

To mark the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar, GWS and No Sweat as part of the Myanmar Military: Never in Fashion campaign we co-ordinate, are joining the demonstration in London on Wednesday 1 February against the killings, rape and torture committed by the military since the coup. Myanmar Military: Never in Fashion…

Peru: joint statement against the coup

By Global Women's Strike | 23rd January 2023

Joint statement issued on 30 December 2022 by grassroots organizations and trade unions in Peru, including Huelga Mundial de Mujeres/Global Women’s Strike, condemning the coup and the horrendous repression against protestors. The government declared a state of emergency and suspended all rights and guarantees, allowing the police and military to kill with impunity. The resistance…

Selma James speaks at Oxford Real Farming Conference: A Care Income to Protect the Land, the People and the Natural World

By Global Women's Strike | 4th January 2023

Speakers: Selma James, Swati Renduchintala, Pranom Somwong, Dee Woods, Jyoti Fernandez. As mothers, carers, farmers/farm workers, land and human rights’ defenders, women do most of the work of feeding (starting with breastfeeding) and protecting families and communities, the soil and the environment. For doing this fundamental caring work of society, unwaged and low-waged, we are…

Care Income leaflet for 2023 Oxford Real Farming Conference

By Global Women's Strike | 3rd January 2023

Campaigning for an income for all who care for people, the soil and the natural world can: • Strengthen the movement against environmental destruction & global warming • Address poverty & other injustice suffered by those, overwhelmingly women, who do this work unwaged or low-waged • Redirect economic & social priorities internationally towards nourishing food (starting with breastfeeding), clean water & air, and the care & protection of all life • Encourage all genders & identities to commit to this lifesaving life-enhancing work.

Draft international petition: A care income for all caring work for people and planet

By Global Women's Strike | 3rd January 2023

Caring for others is the foundation of every society. Yet this work, done mostly by women, in the home, on the land and in the community, is devalued, unwaged or low waged, leading to poverty, dependence and endless work. The pandemic and above all the climate emergency have forced us to recognise that caring for and protecting people and the natural world must become the universal priority.

Join us at Oxford Real Farming Conference, 4-6 Jan – Register now

By Global Women's Strike | 23rd December 2022

The Global Women’s Strike is speaking at two sessions of theOxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) 4-6 Jan 2023. We hope you can attend and tell others about the conference: three days of packed sessions, the first day online only, the following two in person & online. You can register for the online sessions HERE (free…

Message to the Royal College of Nursing in support of the nurses’ strike

By Global Women's Strike | 18th December 2022

Caring matters. Carers matter. Those who need care, all of us, matter. In supporting the nurses strike we support ourselves, in our common carers’ struggle for every life to matter and be cared for. Unlike the government, we the people who came out clapping to thank NHS workers during Covid meant it – that’s why we urge everyone to support the strike and your demand for pay justice. Power to the nurses and all other low paid workers in the NHS! Invest in caring, invest in carers.

Child Tax Credit Popular Across Parties, Reinstate Now!

By Global Women's Strike | 15th December 2022

URGENT ACTION ALERT: The Child Tax Credit is Popular! Voters: Independent, Republican, Democrats Call for Expansion of the Child Tax Credit

Or in this holiday season will Members of Congress gift poverty to millions of children?

The clock is ticking! Congress must reinstate the refundable Child Tax Credit before the end of 2022.  The 2021 expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) was an overwhelming success! By making it fully refundable (which made it available to the most impoverished families), raising the amount, and paying it out monthly, the expanded CTC resulted in the largest-ever decline in child poverty in a single year. Child poverty fell to 5.2%, the lowest rate on record.