Letter to editor: Child Tax Credit is saving Philly Families (Phila Inquirer)
We agree with Jeremy Jones (Oct 13): the improvement to the Child Tax Credit (CTC) “must be preserved and expanded.” Mothers based at our Center have been writing, tweeting and calling elected officials, desperate to hold on to the payments.* One mother said, “The CTC has changed my life. For the first time I was able to pay my gas and electric bill and my rent at the same time. I’ve spent more time with my kids.” We oppose the work requirements proposed by Sen Manchin on already overworked mothers and caregivers. Raising children is work. The CTC must be permanent and go to all families, including immigrant families: children need it; mothers have earned it!
Barbara Gurley and Phoebe Jones, Crossroads Women’s Center, Philadelphia
* The print version read “we run a women’s center and mothers who we serve have been ….”.