Take Action: Child Tax Credit & Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day
Help get out the word that it’s not too late to get the rest, or all, of your 2021 Child Tax Credit (CTC) money, as part of a national day of action on the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit on Feb 8. What you can do:
- Tell mothers, grandmothers and other caregivers that they can still get CTC money by filing their 2021 taxes, even if they didn’t earn an income or normally file. Point them to GetYourRefund.org and ChildTaxCredit.gov for more information.
- Share the graphic and tweets below on social media.
- Share the flyer Got Kids? Get Cash! below.
- Print and get the flyer around (color or black & white) in your community.
The expanded Child Tax Credit cut poverty for millions of children, but it’s stopped unless we get Congress to act. Extend the #CTC! No work requirements: Raising children is work!

Sample Tweets
Got kids? Get cash! It’s not too late to get the rest, or all, of your 2021 #ChildTaxCredit $. You must file your taxes by 4/18 even if you didn’t earn an income or normally file. For free help: ChildTaxCredit.gov, GetYourRefund.org. And we need #CTC extended in 2022!
Don’t miss out on your whole #ChildTaxCredit! For families w children under 18 who got checks starting in July, that was just part of your $. To get rest of your payment, must file a federal tax return by April 18. It’s free at ChildTaxCredit.gov or GetYourRefund.org
For families w children under 18 who didn’t receive monthly #ChildTaxCredit payments, it’s not too late to get them all! But you must file a federal tax return to get your payments. For free help call VITA 1-800-906-9887 or go to ChildTaxCredit.gov, GetYourRefund.org
American Rescue Plan also expanded Earned Income Tax Credit, increasing amount up to $1502 that people in waged work ages 19 thru 65 can get. Expansion of #EITC will help 17M families. You have to file taxes to get it, help at: ChildTaxCredit.gov, GetYourRefund.org
After just 1 monthly #CTC check, # of households w children reporting not having enough food fell by 3.3M. But checks stopped Dec 15th. File your taxes to get rest of 2021 CTC, to get help ChildTaxCredit.gov, GetYourRefund.org. And we need CTC extended in 2022!
A fully refundable #CTC will have historic effects on poverty & racial equity. Make expansion of the CTC permanent to ensure that children, incl. in families who didn’t earn an income or normally file, will continue to receive the CTC. And extend CTC ASAP in 2022.
The expanded #ChildTaxCredit cut poverty for millions of children, but it’s stopped unless we get Congress to act. Extend the #CTC! Children need it & mothers have earned it. And no work requirements, raising children is work!
Download printable flyer at https://bit.ly/GotKidsGetCashFeb8