Tell US Congress: Don’t cut the Child Tax Credit! ⚡ Twitter storm Wednesday
10am PT / 11am MT / 12noon CT / 1pm ET
Mothers say: We need the Child Tax Credit (CTC) for all our children, made permanent, and paid directly to us.
The lives of millions of children have been dramatically improved as they are lifted out of poverty by their mothers receiving CTC. (See: It begins to recognize the life-sustaining work of mothers and other unwaged family caregivers.
As Congress negotiate the Build Back Better Act (sometimes called Reconciliation Act), some members are threatening to cut the budget and impose work requirements on families too poor to pay taxes – as if raising children is not work!
To save CTC for all our children, join us in demanding that CTC:
► Not be cut or reduced in these budget negotiations.
► Remain fully refundable – don’t punish poor kids.
► Be paid directly to mothers/primary caregivers so children benefit.
► Have no work requirements – raising children is work.
► Include immigrant families.
► Be made permanent.
For more details, read our press release.
📞🐤 Tweet and call today! 📞🐤
Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi 202-225-4965
Chair of the House Progressive Caucus, Rep. Pramila Jayapal @RepJayapal 202-225-3106
Your Representatives in the House. (find your rep here or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121).
Sample tweet:
In #BuildBackBetterAct mothers & caregivers urgently demand #ChildTaxCredit
❌not be cut/reduced
❌no work requirements–raising children IS work
✅remain fully refundable
✅incl immigrant families
✅is permanent
✅paid 2 mothers & primary caregivers #CareIncomeNow
CLICK TO TWEET to Speaker Pelosi * CLICK TO TWEET to Rep. Jayapal
Be sure to tweet at your Senators as well, by replacing @SpeakerPelosi and @RepJayapal with your Representatives’ handles. More suggested tweets below. Good to tweet all day Wednesday, but especially between 10am-12pm Pacific (1pm-3pm Eastern).
Mothers and grandmothers speak out on Child Tax Credit
“The CTC has changed my life. For the first time I was able to pay my gas and electric bill and my rent at the same time. I’ve spent more time with my kids.”
Mother, Altoona, PA
“As a single mom in California with high rent fees, high gas prices, the CTC really helps bring financial stability to my household. It’s been a blessing to have my children see me more stress free.”
“The CTC has helped me pay the bills, keep cable on for my three grandchildren, buy them clothes and take them to the amusement park. If I had had CTC earlier, child welfare might not have taken my nieces from me.”
Grandmother, Philadelphia, PA
Issued by Care Income Now
🐤 More suggested tweets! 🐤
#CTC changes lives. “For the first time ever I was able to pay my gas & electric bills & rent at the same time.” – Mother of 5 in Altoona PA. ESSENTIAL that CTC remain in the #BuildBackBetterAct. No cuts, no work requirements! #MyChildTaxCredit @SpeakerPelosi @RepJayapal
Good that #ChildTaxCredit is to continue until 2025, but it should be made permanent and paid to mother or other primary caregiver to ensure it benefits children. #BuildBackBetterAct #CareIncomeNow #MyChildTaxCredit @SpeakerPelosi @RepJayapal
Keep #CTC fully refundable–don’t punish poor kids! Before Biden made #CTC fully refundable, nearly ½ Black & Latinx families were excluded. And 70% of households headed by single mothers & other female guardians excluded. #MyChildTaxCredit @SpeakerPelosi @RepJayapal
.@SpeakerPelosi @RepJayapal No cuts to #ChildTaxCredit in #BuildBackBetter! “As a single mom and a student, feeding my family healthy food and paying bills is very costly.” #CTC must remain fully refundable! #MyChildTaxCredit
.@SpeakerPelosi Keep full #ChildTaxCredit in #BuildBackBetter. Mother of 5: “CTC changed my life. For the first time I was able to pay my gas & electric bill & rent at the same time.” Make #CTC permanent & paid to mothers/other primary caregivers #MyChildTaxCredit
.@RepJayapal #CTC has lifted millions of children from poverty. Don’t let #CTC be cut! “CTC has helped me pay the bills, keep cable on for my grandchildren, & buy them clothes. I was able to take them to the amusement park for 1st time” Grandmother, Philly PA #MyChildTaxCredit
.@RepMaxineWaters Don’t cut or reduce #ChildTaxCredit in #BuildBackBetter. Mother of 2 boys says: “As a single mom in California with high rent & high gas prices CTC brings financial stability to my household.” Make CTC permanent, & paid to moms. #MyChildTaxCredit
CLICK TO TWEET (adjust to target your Representatives)
.@RepDwightEvans Oppose work requirements to get #CTC – don’t penalize poor kids and caregivers. We’re doing society’s essential life-sustaining work in our homes & communities. Women add $1.5T/yr to US economy in unpaid caregiving. #CareIncomeNow #MyChildTaxCredit
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