URGENT! Tell the White House & Congress that Our Children Need You to Save the Child Tax Credit NOW!
Help Get Children Out of Poverty! #VoteCTCNow TODAY be part of Feb. 3rd national day of action!
With the Senate failing to extend the Child Tax Credit (CTC) into 2022, families with children have not gotten a monthly check since December 15th and millions of children have been thrust back into poverty, millions of families have been hurt. But we cannot give up on extending the CTC, because the health and well-being of millions of children benefited from it. Vote for the CTC now! No work requirements! What job is more important than raising the next generation? Raising children is real work and moms and grandmas shouldn’t be required to get a “real job” to qualify. Children need the CTC and mothers and other primary caregivers have earned it.
Tell President Biden, VP Harris, Senators and the Progressive Caucus: our children need you to pass the Child Tax Credit. Call-in info & sample tweets below.
- Call the White House TUESDAY to THURSDAY, 11am-3pm ET 202-456-1111, and tweet any time @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris
- Call and tweet TODAY:
- Your 2 Senators and your Representative. Find their phone numbers by entering your zip code at find your member of Congress or call the Capitol Switchboard 202‑224‑3121.
- Sen. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader 202-224-6542 @SenSchumer
- Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) 202-224-5141 @SenSanders
- Sen. Joe Manchin (WV) 202-224-3954 @Sen_JoeManchin
- Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Chair of the Progressive Caucus 202-225-3106 @RepJayapal, @USProgressives
Mothers and grandmothers speak out on what losing the Child Tax Credit has meant for their families – Tweet Congress and the White House on Thursday, Feb 3!

“We’ll just be back in the poorhouse again, back where we started from. We will not get to go out on family outings. No snacks, no going out. No more Taco Tuesdays, no more movie night, no pizza night. I won’t get breaks. Less socks and shoes for the kids. The CTC was helping me catch up on my bills, but now I’m going to have to be starting all over again. Plus food prices went up, and food’s going up more. With the CTC being shut off, some people’s going to be hungry again. Five pounds of chicken wings is now $17.99. Toilet tissue’s doubled in price. It’s now 10 rolls for $10.99. Sodas were $2.98, to it’s now $6.99. That’s going to be a struggle because they ain’t upping your food stamps.”
Grandmother caring for 3 grandchildren in Philadelphia

My special needs son is disabled. Without the Child Tax Credit, some highly beneficial interventions that are not covered by his insurance will not be accessible. I earn very low income due to caring for him, which is unpaid for, and I cannot afford paying for those interventions. My little girl’s chances of continuing with extra-curricular activities will be taken away. She school online and I have to fill in the necessary activities for her total development. Without the Child Tax Credit I will be unable to give those essentials to my children.
Immigrant mother in Philadelphia

“Families here used the CTC for a lot more than food. It helped with child care, long coats and shoes for the winter, bus fare, helped them get cars fixed. Until he could fix his car, one father had to get up at 3am to get subway in order to get to work by 6.”
Rev. Annie Chambers, National Welfare Rights Union, Baltimore

“It sucks that if you have no money you can’t make money. I went through all this stuff to try to climb up. And then well, dang, I’m only one step away from being homeless again.”
Mother of 2 in Los Angeles.
Without CTC, after her old car died she has no money to get to her waged jobs. See Politico, Biden’s signature legislation expired. Recipients are wondering: WTF happened?
Additional Tweets below
Hashtags: #VoteCTCNow, #ChildTaxCredit
Instructions: Copy and paste each message below into a new tweet in Twitter. You can add or change to use your own Senators’ tags. For instance, in California you could add @SenatorFeinstein and @SenAlexPadilla to the message to get their attention. Then click “Tweet”.
Extended #ChildTaxCredit must pass as part of whatever #BuildBackBetter Act is negotiated. #CTC cut child poverty, decreased food insecurity, raised standard of living for families across US. #VoteCTCNow! @POTUS @VP @SenateDems @SenSanders @RepJayapal https://otherwords.org/why-are-we-torching-our-best-tool-to-end-child-poverty/
✅#VoteCTCNow! Don’t cut CTC from #BBB
✅Permanent full refundability. Don’t punish poor kids.
✅Include ALL immigrant families
✅Make permanent & paid directly to mothers/primary caregivers
❌No work req – raising children is already work. @JoeBiden @VP @SenSanders @RepJayapal
ChildTaxCredit helped ease burden of rising costs, critically-needed support to millions of families monthly. Until White House & Congress pass #CTC, families face crises of poverty & children go hungry. #VoteCTCNow! @POTUS @VP @SenateDems @SenSanders @RepJayapal @USProgressives
Extend #ChildTaxCredit & keep it fully refundable – don’t punish poor kids! Nearly ½ Black & Latinx families & 70% of single mother/female guardian households excluded before 2021. #VoteCTCNow! @JoeBiden @SenateDems @SenSanders @RepJayapal @USProgressives https://www.forbes.com/sites/elainemaag/2021/09/10/keeping-child-tax-credit-fully-refundable-is-critical-to-low-income-families/
86% persistent poverty counties are rural. And rural children of color disproportionately poorer. @Sen_JoeManchin stop throwing our kids under the bus! Caring 4 children & families is vital to all. #VoteCTCNow, no work requirements! @POTUS @VP @RepJayapal https://ruralassembly.org/a-bridge-to-opportunity-for-rural-families/
Across the U.S., the #ChildTaxCredit has helped more than 36M families afford groceries, pay bills & make ends meet. The bills come monthly and so should the checks. White House & Senate, #VoteCTCNow! @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @SenSanders @RepJayapal https://www.laprogressive.com/child-tax-credit-3/
All immigrant families must get #ChildTaxCredit. “The #CTC really had an impact on our quality of life, as a single mom of a young daughter, caring for 2 elderly parents.” Immigrant single mother in Philly @POTUS @VP @SenSchumer @SenSanders @RepJayapal
Children need it, mothers have earned it: defend extended #ChildTaxCredit. We need permanent child benefit paid directly to mother/primary caregiver #VoteCTCNow #CareIncomeNow @POTUS @VP @SenSchumer @SenSanders @SenatorBennet @RepGwenMoore @SenSherrodBrown https://www.msnbc.com/katy-tur/watch/what-the-child-tax-credit-means-for-american-families-128807493931
White House & Senate must ensure children are not thrown into poverty. #VoteCTCnow! And we need permanent child benefit paid directly to mothers/primary caregivers @POTUS @VP @SenSchumer @SenSanders @RepJayapal @SenatorBennet @SenSherrodBrown @RepGwenMoore https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/10/24/west-virginia-manchin-child-tax-credit/
Click here for more on the Children Are Hungry, #VoteCTCNow campaign called by Income Movement
👉 Also sign our letter to President Biden, VP Harris and Congress endorsed by over 70 organizations, including the Coalition on Human Needs, Shriver Center on Poverty Law, the Women’s March Foundation, the Thomas Merton Center, Mother’s Outreach Network and over 290 individuals:
“We urge that Child Tax Credits go to mothers or other primary caregivers, leading to a permanent child cash benefit, and for the $15/hour minimum wage campaign promise to be honored.”
Issued by Care Income Now