What Mothers and Other Caregivers Want: Fill in the International Survey.
We write to bring to your attention our What do mothers and caregivers want? international survey. We urge you to fill it in and/or circulate it among family, friends and social networks if you haven’t already.
The survey is being circulated in different countries and four languages so far – English, Italian, Spanish and Thai – and has had responses from over 20 countries. Fill in the survey here.
While there is increased recognition that caring work is indispensable, those doing this work, overwhelmingly women,are never asked what we think about how we spend our time, the resources we have/don’t have, and our relationship with the people we care for. The survey aims to find out what mothers and others caregivers, in different countries and of different genders and backgrounds, want.
Those who have filled it in have commented on how comprehensive and thought- provoking they found it, well worth the 15 or so minutes they spent doing it.
Descriptions of caring work include caring for the land and the environment, so urgent as the climate emergency deepens, as well as protecting children and each other from rape and domestic violence, campaigning against poverty and deportation, and for justice for loved ones.
The survey is also an organizing tool. See women discussing it with others in London, the US and Thailand.
The results will be published and analyzed. And when they are, we will be in a stronger position to make people listen. None of the respondents will be identified as the survey is anonymous and confidential.
You can see the launch of the survey with speakers from 13 countries here.
You can hear what some of those who filled it in have said about it here and here.
If you would like to help circulate it or have any questions or comments, please get in touch with us at wmwsurvey@gmail.com or gws@globalwomenstrike.net