Women and mothers of South Peasants Federation Thailand have said what a Care Income would mean to them as people who care for the family, the community, and the land.
A Care Income would mean:
- Economic liberation .. it would mean being independent from the men
- Now I have to manage to provide for everything on a tiny amount of money. Every single day I have to spend a lot of time thinking and planning how to manage. If I have a care income I can use that all that thinking time to work on public and land rights issues
- Care Income could be housing … a secure place for me and my children
- Land can be a care income as a part of State welfare
- When my elderly mother gets sick and is dying I won’t be able to spend the last precious months or weeks together. Instead, I will have to go out and earn money. A Care Income means I can care for family without having to leave them to do it.
- Women fighting for land, improving environment and for social justice should get all get a care income.
- Caring for the land is about food security as well as caring for the environment. Food security is linked to social justice so women in other social justice struggles also should get a care income as it is all linked.
- Care income would strengthen our voices and our power
- It would allow us to take care of our children and the child is the most precious resource of society
- It would mean I would feel satisfied with society because women and carers would be valued more in society. Our value would be reflected by the care income being what we earn not charity
- A better quality of life for my children and give me opportunity to care for my children better
- I would have savings
- I’d have time to care for my family
- Give me time to help society
- Give me time to learn about economics, society and politics
- Let me help sisters without being limited by my own poverty
- Women would have a have a better role in society
- Time to care for own family and I would get to interact socially with others which is good for mental health
- I’d have time to meet with friends, follow the news, mix in society
- The elderly would be better off so I would have less stress and be able to focus on caring for my own children
- It would reduce the burden on younger women who care for two generations, old and young.
- We can look after ourselves and can fight for land and work on other community problems e.g. solve problem of violent men in family and community