Peru domestic workers win historic law

HISTORIC VICTORY IN PERU:Congress approvesDomestic Workers Law On Saturday 5 September, the Peru Congress approved a law guaranteeing the rights of domestic workers. This is the culmination of decades of grassroots organizing, nationally and internationally. For more information contact: Leddy Mozombite Linares Since 2011, when the ILO passed Convention 189 which recognizes domestic workers…

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Petition: Domestic workers law: sign TODAY / Ley trabajadoras del hogar: Firmen HOY

Español / English petition after photo and Spanish links Las #TrabajadorasdelHogar necesitamos de tu ayuda. Firma y comparte esta petición HOY para que el Congreso no demore más el debate y la aprobación de la #LeydeTrabajadorasdelHogar #SeraLey Our sisters in Peru’s Global Women’s Strike and domestic workers union FENTTRAHOP, are asking for signatures urging Congress…

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