URGENT! Tell Congress & the White House to Restore the #ChildTaxCredit Payments Now!
Children are suffering due to Senate inaction!
⚡ Twitterstorm Tuesday March 8, International Women’s Day ⚡
11am-1pm PT / 2-4pm ET
Defend the #ChildTaxCredit
The #ChildTaxCredit in the Build Back Better plan helped more than 36 million families with children afford groceries and school supplies, pay bills and make ends meet. It lifted 3.7 million children out of poverty. But since December 15, 2021 these families have not gotten a monthly check. As a result, millions of desperate families have been thrust back into poverty, millions of children have been hurt, and this gets worse with each passing month.
The health and well-being of millions of children depend upon Congress taking action! Restore the Child Tax Credit NOW! No work requirements must be added! What job is more important than raising the next generation? Raising children is real work and moms and grandmas shouldn’t be required to get a “real job” to qualify. Children need the CTC; mothers and other primary caregivers have earned it.
On International Women’s Day we must recognize the tremendous contributions women make every day to society and the economy – from our waged workplaces to the essential but unwaged work at home and on the land. We also spearhead many of the movements that can change the world and save it.
The value of unwaged caregiving work in the US is estimated at $1.5 trillion per year. The CTC has helped ease the financial stress of that workload. Like family allowance or child benefit in other industrialized countries, the CTC needs to be extended and made permanent.
Please note another International Women’s Day event:
Hear mothers and other caregivers around the world speak for themselves for a change! March 8th webinar: What Do Mothers and Caregivers Want?
Global Women’s Strike event launching an International Survey Tuesday, March 8, 2022 @ 8am EST (find other times here)
Register here: bit.ly/WMWMar8
Event will be rebroadcast at 9am PST / 12 pm EST on Facebook Live
More info: wmwsurvey@gmail.com
Demand Congress and the White House restore the Child Tax Credit NOW! Children Need It, Mothers Have Earned It!
Call the White House TUESDAY to THURSDAY, 11am-3pm ET 202-456-1111, and tweet any time @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris
- Your 2 Senators and your Representative. Find their phone numbers by entering your zip code at find your member of Congress or call the Capitol Switchboard 202‑224‑3121.
- Sen. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader 202-224-6542 @SenSchumer
- Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) 202-224-5141 @SenSanders
- Sen. Joe Manchin (WV) 202-224-3954 @Sen_JoeManchin
- Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Chair of the Progressive Caucus 202-225-3106 @RepJayapal, @USProgressives
TWEET (more tweets following): This #InternationalWomensDay, mothers & other caregivers, overwhelmingly women, need action not words. Help us feed our children, pay bills, ease our financial stress. @POTUS @SenSchumer @USProgressives pass #ChildTaxCredit NOW. Children urgently need it & mothers have earned it! |
Mothers and grandmothers speak out on what losing the Child Tax Credit has meant for their families – Tweet Congress and the White House on Tuesday, March 8!
Additional Tweets below
Hashtags: #InternationalWomensDay or #IWD, #ChildTaxCredit
Instructions: Copy and paste each message below into a new tweet in Twitter. You can add or change to use your own Senators’ tags. For instance, in California you could add @SenatorFeinstein and @SenAlexPadilla to the message to get their attention. Then click “Tweet”.
#InternationalWomensDay pass #ChildTaxCredit. #CTC cut child poverty, decreased food insecurity, raised standard of living for families across US. @POTUS @VP @SenateDems @SenSanders @RepJayapal @RosaDeLauro https://otherwords.org/why-are-we-torching-our-best-tool-to-end-child-poverty/
Women & children are 70% of US people who are poor. This #InternationalWomensDay, help us feed our children, pay bills, ease our financial stress. @POTUS @SenSchumer @RepJayapal pass #ChildTaxCredit NOW. Children need it, mothers have earned it! https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/child-tax-credit-biden-administration-child-poverty-20220303.html
✅ Pass #ChildTaxCredit now
✅Permanent full refundability. Don’t punish poor kids.
✅Include ALL immigrant families
✅Make permanent & paid directly to mothers/primary caregivers
❌No work requirements – raising children is already work. @JoeBiden @VP @SenSanders @RepJayapal
#ChildTaxCredit helped ease burden of rising costs, critically-needed support to millions of families monthly. Until White House & Congress pass #CTC, families face crises of poverty & children go hungry. Pass #CTC! @POTUS @VP @SenateDems @SenSanders @RepJayapal @USProgressives
Extend #ChildTaxCredit & keep it fully refundable. Don’t punish poor kids! Nearly ½ Black & Latinx families & 70% of single mother/female guardian households excluded before 2021. Pass #CTC Now! @JoeBiden @SenateDems @SenSanders @RepJayapal @USProgressives https://www.forbes.com/sites/elainemaag/2021/09/10/keeping-child-tax-credit-fully-refundable-is-critical-to-low-income-families/
86% persistent poverty counties are rural & rural children of color are disproportionately poorer. @Sen_JoeManchin stop throwing our kids under the bus! Caring 4 children, families is vital. @POTUS @SenateDems @RepJayapal pass #CTC, & no work requirements! https://ruralassembly.org/a-bridge-to-opportunity-for-rural-families/
Across US, the #ChildTaxCredit has helped more than 36m families afford groceries, pay bills & make ends meet. The bills come monthly & so should the checks. White House & Senate, pass #CTC now! @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @SenSanders @RepJayapal https://www.laprogressive.com/child-tax-credit-3/
All immigrant families must get #ChildTaxCredit. “The #CTC really had an impact on our quality of life, as a single mom of a young daughter, caring for 2 elderly parents.” Immigrant single mother in Philly @POTUS @VP @SenSchumer @SenSanders @RepJayapal
Children need it, mothers have earned it! #InternationalWomensDay pass #ChildTaxCredit. We need a permanent child benefit paid directly to mother/primary caregiver. #CareIncomeNow @POTUS @SenSchumer @SenSanders @SenatorBennet @RepGwenMoore @RosaDeLauro https://www.msnbc.com/katy-tur/watch/what-the-child-tax-credit-means-for-american-families-128807493931
White House & Senate: lift millions of children returned to poverty. This #InternationalWomensDay pass #CTC! We need permanent child benefit paid direct to mother/primary caregiver @POTUS @VP @SenSchumer @SenSanders @SenatorBennet @RepJayapal @RepGwenMoore https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/10/24/west-virginia-manchin-child-tax-credit/
👉 Also sign our letter to President Biden, VP Harris and Congress endorsed by over 70 organizations, including the Coalition on Human Needs, Shriver Center on Poverty Law, the Women’s March Foundation, the Thomas Merton Center, Mother’s Outreach Network and over 290 individuals:
“We urge that Child Tax Credits go to mothers or other primary caregivers, leading to a permanent child cash benefit, and for the $15/hour minimum wage campaign promise to be honored.”
Issued by Care Income Now